'페이스북'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. 2011.01.17 교실에서 페이스북을 활용하면 좋은 100가지 방법.^^
  2. 2009.12.28 아이폰에서 가장 재미있는 것. 5선
  3. 2008.05.27 2.0, 변화는 몰고 왔는데.."수익창출 힘들어"
2011. 1. 17. 09:15

교실에서 페이스북을 활용하면 좋은 100가지 방법.^^

October 20th, 2009

Facebook isn’t just a great way for you to find old friends or learn about what’s happening this weekend, it is also an incredible learning tool. Teachers can utilize Facebook for class projects, for enhancing communication, and for engaging students in a manner that might not be entirely possible in traditional classroom settings. Read on to learn how you can be using Facebook in your classroom, no matter if you are a professor, student, working online, or showing up in person for class.

Class Projects

The following ideas are just a starting point for class projects that can be used with Facebook in the classroom.

  1. Follow news feeds. Have students follow news feeds relevant to the course material in order to keep current information flowing through the class.
  2. Share book reviews. Students can post their book reviews for the instructor to grade and other students to read. If it’s a peer-reviewed project, then students can more easily access each other’s papers online.
  3. Knighthood. Playing this game promotes strong reading skills. This teacher explains how he used it with his ESL class.
  4. Poll your class. Use polls as an interactive teaching tool in class or just to help facilitate getting to know one another with the Poll app for Facebook.
  5. Practice a foreign language. Students learning a foreign language can connect with native speakers through groups or fan opportunities such as this one.
  6. Create your own news source. A great way for journalism students to practice their craft, use the Facebook status update feed as a breaking news source for sports results, academic competition results, and other campus news.
  7. Follow news stories. Keep up with news through Facebook on groups like World News Webcast that provides video clips of world news.
  8. Keep up with politicians. Political science students can become fans of politicians in order to learn about their platforms and hear what they have to say first hand.
  9. Create apps for Facebook. A class at Stanford started doing this in 2007 and still has a Facebook group profiling their work. A class at Berkeley also did the same.
  10. Participate in a challenge. Look for challenges like the one held by Microsoft and Direct Marketing Educational Foundation that challenges undergrads and grad students to create usable products for Microsoft in return for experience and, in some cases, certification.
  11. Bring literature to life. Create a Facebook representation of a work of literature like this class did.

Facilitate Communication

An excellent way to ensure students are more engaged in the learning experience is by strengthening the communication between students and student-to-teacher. These are just a few ideas to do just that.

  1. Create groups. You can create groups for entire classes or for study groups with smaller subsets of students that allow for easy sharing of information and communication, without students even having to friend each other.
  2. Schedule events. From beginning of semester mixers to after-finals celebrations, easily schedule events for the entire class using Facebook.
  3. Send messages. From unexpected absences to rescheduling exams, it’s easy to send messages through Facebook.
  4. Share multimedia. With the ability to post videos, photos, and more, you can share multimedia content easily with the entire class.
  5. Post class notes. Post notes after each class period for students to have access for review or in case they were absent.
  6. Provide direct communication with instructors. Instructors and students can contact each other through Facebook, providing an opportunity for better sharing of information and promoting better working relationships.
  7. Allows shy students a way to communicate. Shy students who may not want to approach their teacher after class or during office hours can use Facebook to communicate.
  8. Facilitate classmate connections. When students get to know each other more intimately, they become more involved in the learning experience. This is helpful in both large classes that wouldn’t normally promote such intimacy and in smaller settings that regularly depend on that connection.
  9. Make announcements. Instructors can send out reminders about upcoming tests, upcoming due dates, or any classroom news.
  10. Brainstorm. Students can have the ability to add their thoughts to the class any time they occur allows for more opportunities for brainstorming off each other.
  11. Share interesting websites. Students and instructors alike can post interesting websites that add relevancy to the class.
  12. Post homework. Posting homework through Facebook not only provides easy access for students, it also puts in writing specifically what is expected and when it is due.
  13. Grassroots movements. Students at University of British Columbia learned that the weight room at their aquatic center was slated for closure, and through Facebook, won to keep it open.


Why use Facebook with your class? Here are some of the benefits you may see when you decide to use Facebook as a learning tool.

  1. Inviting atmosphere. Since Facebook isn’t exclusively the instructor’s any more than it is the students’, this offers students an opportunity for active participation on a level playing field.
  2. Students are comfortable with Facebook. Most students are already users of Facebook, so implementing it into class provides a comfortable way for students to participate in class.
  3. Informal. The informality inherent in Facebook’s connections lend to yet another reason students may be more willing to participate in class activities here.
  4. Promotes collaboration. Facebook’s design promotes social interchange between participants, thereby increasing collaboration between students working on activities.
  5. Keeps schools current. Mark Federman asserts that universities must move from a skills-centered approach to learning to one of connectivity to stay relevant to students.
  6. Students engaged outside of class. When students are accessing the class content more often, that means they will be thinking about and engaging in the lessons more frequently.
  7. Ambient awareness. Facebook provides an excellent opportunity for students and instructors to participate in ambient awareness, a way of getting to know those you follow on social networks in more meaningful ways.
  8. Teach personal responsibility. Instructors can take this opportunity to teach students how to responsibly use Facebook and other social networking sites so it helps their future–not the opposite.
  9. Access to guest speakers. Instructors who have stayed in contact through Facebook with past students who have moved on to their careers have an excellent resource for guest speakers for the class.

Tips for Educators

Educators should check out these suggestions for ways to use Facebook effectively and professionally.

  1. Create a separate account just for your classes. Keep two accounts if you want to use Facebook personally as well. This keeps your Facebook relationship at school on a professional level.
  2. Manage privacy settings. If you don’t want to manage two accounts, use these tips to manage privacy to keep your personal and professional lives separate.
  3. Friend students carefully. Make sure you are friending students in current and former classes for professional purposes. Keep as professional a distance on Facebook as you would in person.
  4. Ask students to put you on limited access to their pages. This keeps you from having to see their Spring Break photos, status updates that may indicate why they really missed that midterm, or any other information that may compromise your professional working relationship.
  5. Create lists. Create a list for each of your classes, then keep students in each class on that list. This is a great way to organize your students.
  6. Publish notes for recognition. If you want to recognize accomplishments of particular students or the effort of an entire class, be sure to write a note indicating what you are recognizing and tag all students involved.
  7. Include your class blog. If you have a class blog, import it to Facebook so it shows up there when you add a new blog post.
  8. Use as a course management system. Use in place of other course management systems such as Blackboard to access all your online information and connections with fewer restrictions.
  9. Stay active. Keep posting messages, use as many Facebook apps and resources as possible, and update status reports so your students know you are engaged and you stay an important part of the Facebook experience.
  10. Get over the term "friend". Many professors are disturbed by the idea of making friends with their students. Instead of adapting the Facebook term in the common way, try to think about the relationship as one of a mentor, or in an Aristotelian version of a utilitarian friend.

Facebook Resources for Students

Students can use these applications and groups to enhance their usage of Facebook in school.

  1. weRead. Students can manage the books on their reading lists, connect with others in discussions about the books, and more.
  2. Flashcards. Create flashcards on any subject to help reinforce what you need to know.
  3. Notely. Organize assignments, classes, notes, and more with Notely. You will need a Notely account to use this Facebook app.
  4. Study Groups. If you don’t want to create your own group for a study group, use this app instead that allows for easy collaboration.
  5. Hey Math! Challenge. Students can watch flash movies explaining difficult math concepts with this app.
  6. CourseFeed. Find online classes or follow your current class when you add this app to your Facebook account.
  7. CampusBuddy. This app helps you connect with classmates on your campus.
  8. DoResearch4Me. Use this search engine to find online information instead of relying on Wikipedia.
  9. SkoolPool. When students use this app, they can research schools, find students, and more to make sure they are embarking on the best education.
  10. Notecentric. Take notes during class, then post them for other students with Notecentric.
  11. Class Notes. Snap a photo of what the teacher wrote on the board or a copy of your class notes and post them here so everyone can share their visual notes.
  12. Used Text Books. Students can buy and sell used text books through this group.
  13. Homework Help. This group is a place for students to find and offer help with homework–or just to get a better understanding of difficult concepts.
  14. CiteMe. Get properly formatted citations according to APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA, or Turabian style with this app.

Facebook Applications for Teachers

These Facebook apps can make your job easier and more engaging for the students.

  1. Calendar. Use this calendar app from 30 Boxes to keep your classes on track with upcoming assignments, tests, due dates, and more.
  2. Courses. Manage your courses with this app that allows you to create an instructor page, manage assignments, and more.
  3. Mathematical Formulas. This is a great way for math teachers to share formulae and their solutions.
  4. Webinaria. Record your class lectures and post them for the class to review on Facebook.
  5. Book Tag. Tag books for a class reading list and even create quizzes with this useful app.
  6. Language Exchange. If you teach a foreign language, turn students on to this app that gives them a chance to practice what they learn in class.
  7. Files. Upload all the important files you want to share with students such as your class syllabus, supplemental reading material, or assignments when you use this app.
  8. Make a Quiz!. Easily make quizzes to test your students’ knowledge and see how they score.

Facebook Applications for Both Students and Teachers

These apps are great for both students and teachers and include access to documents, research material, and presentations.

  1. Links. Easily post links to interesting things found on the Internet that may be relevant to class.
  2. SlideShare. Instructors and students can use this app to create awesome slide presentations as a part of class or to complete an assignment.
  3. To-Do List. Who couldn’t use a reminder list of all there is to complete in a day? This app helps with that.
  4. JSTOR Search. You may need to access this through your library’s proxy, but this is a great way to find full articles through JSTOR.
  5. WorldCat. Search for material available at libraries around the world to find help with your research.
  6. Zoho Online Office. If your class is using Zoho for documents, spreadsheets, or presentations, then this app is an invaluable way to access them all through Facebook.
  7. Google Docs. Just like Zoho, if you are using Google Docs, access them through Facebook with this app.
  8. Podclass. Teachers and students who use a classroom management system can access their courses, assignments, and more through Podclass.
  9. LibGuides. Access content from your library with this app.

Facebook Groups for Teachers

These groups show how other instructors are using Facebook in education or work to unite educators through Facebook.

  1. Educators using Facebook. This group of educators is over 1,300 strong and shares information and support for using Facebook in education.
  2. Facebook for Educators. Join this group to learn how to best use Facebook with your students.
  3. Classroom Instruction in Facebook. Find out how this group uses Facebook as a supplement to teaching library class instruction.
  4. Education. Find plenty of educators as well as others concerned about education in this group that has a bit of a political focus.
  5. Educators of America. This group has some discussion, mostly about the politics of education, but they also post online resources for teachers.
  6. Science Educators. Science educators from around the world congregate in this Facebook group.

Facebook in K-12

Facebook isn’t just for higher education. Use these resources for Facebook in the K-12 classrooms, too.

  1. Educators Network. Started by a high school teacher in an urban school, this group is all about uniting those who teach young people.
  2. Global Educators. These teachers are mostly in K-12 and are focused on teaching globally.
  3. ART Educators. Art teachers and those concerned about art programs for students will enjoy the activity on this group.
  4. BrainPOP. Teachers who use BrainPOP in their classrooms will definitely want to add this app to their Facebook page.
  5. TheApple.com. Become a fan on Facebook and access notes, discussions, and more with the other teachers here.
  6. Have Fun Teaching. Started by a teacher experienced in K-6, this is an excellent resource for teachers.
  7. Primary Teachers – Resources, ideas, stress relief!. With over 49,000 members, you are sure to find great ideas here.
  8. Teachers- sharing ideas and resources for the classroom!. This group is for primary and secondary teachers and is another good place to go for resources.
  9. Participate in a summer project. A Kindergarten teacher describes how she used Facebook to keep students engaged and connected over the summer. This idea can work for any grade level.

Facebook to Help Find a Job

Whether you are a graduating student looking for a career or an instructor moving on, these tips will help you use Facebook to find a new job.

  1. Get the word out. Guy Kawasaki suggests LinkedIn to get the word out, but Facebook will do just as well when it comes to letting everyone know you are looking for employment.
  2. Establish a positive web presence. Use these five suggestions for ways to create a professional web presence on Facebook.
  3. Use Facebook job search apps. Most of the major online job search sites such as Career Builders and Indeed have apps on Facebook, so take advantage of them to help you start your career.
  4. Understand the importance of social networking. Estimates indicate that only 5-25% of available jobs are actually posted. It’s all about who you know and good timing after that.
  5. Find your target company or school. Many companies have a presence on Facebook. See if the companies or schools you are interested in joining are there and follow them to learn about their culture, hiring practices, to see if you know anyone there, and more.
  6. Include your resume on Facebook. Be sure to include a link to your online resume on your Facebook page so anyone can access your credentials.
  7. Include Facebook on your online resume. Make sure your Facebook page is professional, then include it in your online resume with a profile badge so prospective employers can take a look.
  8. Use networking to your advantage. Learn how this woman succeeded with Twitter and think about how you can do the same thing on Facebook.
  9. Use Facebook ads to help employers find you. Read about how these students used Facebook ads to get noticed by their future employers.
  10. Look through Marketplace. Marketplace on Facebook has a jobs section where you may just luck into your future career.
  11. Add Professional Profile. Add the Professional Profile app to your Facebook page to consolidate all your professional information in one place
2009. 12. 28. 09:20

아이폰에서 가장 재미있는 것. 5선

아이폰을 3주 가량 써 보면서 그 동안 다양한 경험을 해 보았다. 다양한 기능이나 어플들을 써 보니 자주 쓰게 되는 것이 있는가 하면 한번 써 보고 안쓰게 되는 것들도 있었다. 지금까지 써 보면서 가장 재미있고 자주 쓰게 되는 것 5가지를 골라 보았다. 이 선호도는 지극히 기자 개인적인 판단으로  메겨 본 순위다.


2. 트위터

3. 블로깅

4. PC원격접속

5. 페이스북

1위는 '앱스토어'를 골랐다. 아무래도 10만개가 넘는 상품이 올려져 있다 보니 아이폰을 쓰면서 가장 자주 드나 드는 것 같다. 어떤 어플이 순위 안에 들었을까? 새롭게 진입한 것은 어떤 것이 있을까? 다른 사람들은 어떤 어플에 열광하고 있을까? 등등 여러가지 생각을 하면서 앱스토어를 드나든다. 그런데 최근 경향을 보면 50위 안에 들어 있는 어플들끼리 순위만 조금씩 변할 뿐 새로운 어플이 잘 등장하지 않아 흥미가 좀 떨어지고 있다. 그래서 최근에는 미국 아이디를 만들어 미국 앱스토어에 들어가 어떤 어플이 인기인지 살펴 보곤한다. 한국 앱스토어에 흥미가 떨어 졌다면 다른 나라 앱스토어에 들어가 보는 것도 재미있을 것 같다.

앱스토어 자체가 하나의 멋진 놀이터가 된 기분이다

2위는 트위터로 골랐다. 트위터는 단문 블로그 같은 것인데, 국산으로는 미투데이 같은 서비스가 있다. 트위터에는 고수들이 다들 모여 있는 것 같아서 미투데이 보다 좀 더 끌리고 있다. 다른 기사를 보니 싸이월드의 가치는 3000억원에 불과한 반면 트위터는 12조원(100억달러)에 달한다고 한다. 세계인들이 트위터에 얼마나 열광하는 지 회사 가치를 비교해 보면 알 수 있을 것 같다.

국내에서도 트위터 사용자가 15만명정도까지 늘어 났다는 소식을 들었다. 실시간으로 올라오는 트윗친구들의 글을 보며 바로 리플을 달기도하고, 다른 친구들에게 퍼뜨리기 위해 리트윗(RT)도 하면서 재미있게 즐기고 있다.

3위로는 블로깅을 꼽아 보았다. PC에서 할 때는 블로깅을 그리 재미있게 하지 않았다. 블로그를 홍보를 위해 상업적으로 변질시켜 놓은 수 많은 저질 블로그에 실망해 왔다. 그러나 아이폰을 쓰면서부터 블로그에 흥미를 느끼고 있다. 아이폰으로 찍은 사진을 바로 블로그에 올릴 수 있어서 찍은 사진을 웹에 저장해 놓는 용도로 블로깅을 하고 있다. 네이버 블로그와 티스토리가 있는데, 둘 다 자주 쓰게 된 것 같다. 근데 티스토리에 '로컬에 저장'이라는 기능은 왜 만들어 놓았는 지 이해가 잘 안된다. 바로 올리고 싶은 사람은 이 기능 때문에 클릭을 몇 번 더 해야해서 불편하다.

4위로는 PC원격접속을 골라 보았다. 아무리 스마트폰 시대가 열리고 있다고는 하지만 여전히 PC에 나의 많은 자료들이 들어 있다. 어디서든 내 PC를 열어 볼 수 있게 되어 편하다. 뭔가 급히 해야할 일이 있어도 사무실에 들어 가지 않고도 내 PC를 아이폰으로 바로 보면서 처리할 수 있어서 편하다.

5위로는 뭘할까 고민하다가 페이스북을 골라 보았다. 페이스북도 소셜네트워크 서비스인데 트위터 보다는 재미가 덜한것 같다.

그 외에도 회사 이메일을 휴대폰에서 바로 볼 수 있어 편하고, 구글 지메일과 피카사도 가끔 이용하는데 적절하게 사용하면 편할 것 같다. 교회에 갈 때 성경책과 찬송가를 들고 가지 않아도 되게 되어 생활에 약간의 변화가 생겼다. 심심할 때는 개인방송국인 아프리카 TV를 보기도 하고, TVUplayer로 방송을 시청하기도 한다. 바코드 사진을 찍으면 가격비교를 바로 해 주는 redlaser도 가끔 사용하고, 증강현실 프로그램 Layar도 아주 좋은 프로그램인 것 같다.

출처 : 베타뉴스, 이직기자

2008. 5. 27. 12:09

2.0, 변화는 몰고 왔는데.."수익창출 힘들어"

이데일리 | 기사입력 2008.05.27 08:19 | 최종수정 2008.05.27 08:25

- 웹 2.0 기업 수익창출 성과 `미미`

- VC, 여전히 투자에 `관심`

[이데일리 김윤경기자] 참여와 공유를 표방하는 `웹 2.0` 기업들이 온라인 행태의 혁신적인 변화를 몰고 온 것은 사실이지만, 매출면에선 아직까지 성과를 보이지 못하고 있다고
파이낸셜타임스(FT)가 26일(현지시간) 보도했다.

페이스북(Facebook) 같은 소셜 네크워크 서비스(SNS) 사이트나 유튜브 처럼 사용자생산콘텐트(UCC)를 생산, 유통하고 있는 소셜 미디어 업체들이 대표적인 웹 2.0 기업들.

FT는 이들 업체들이 수익 창출에 수 년간 노력해 오고 있지만, 미국의 경기가 둔화되고 이에 따라
기업공개(IPO)도 줄어들면서 창업 초기 인터넷 기업들에게 부정적인 분위기를 안겨주고 있다고 전했다.

벤처캐피탈(VC) 배터리 벤처스의 로저 리 파트너는 "많은 웹 2.0 기업들이 사라지면서 향후 1~2년간 상당한 변화가 있을 것"이라고 말했다.

`웹 2.0 브라우저`로 불리는 플록(Flock)의 최고경영자(CEO) 숀 하딘도 "거시 경제적 상황이 어려워지고 있다"고 털어놨다. 이 업체는 지난 주 VC로부터 1500만달러의 투자를 유치했다.

하지만 웹 2.0 기업에 대한 VC 투자, 높은 가치를 쳐서 이뤄지는 인수합병(M & A)이 여전히 큰 관심사인 것도 사실.

`마이크로 블로깅`(40자를 넘지 않는 짧은 메시지 블로그) 서비스 업체 트위터(Twitter)는 대표적인 웹 2.0 기업. 아직 제대로 돈을 벌지 못하고 있지만 이 업체를 사적으로 돕겠다는 사용자들이 많다.

최근 위젯(Widget; 자주 사용하는 서비스를 아이콘 형태로 제작해 독립적으로 구동시키는 미니 어플리케이션) 업체 슬라이드(Slide)와
넷스케이프 공동 창업자 마크 앤드리슨이 설립한 소셜 네트워크 플랫폼 업체 닝(Ning)은 각각 약 5억달러씩을 VC로부터 투자받기도 했다.

톰슨 로이터의 마켓 부문 헤드 데빈 웨니그는 "웹 2.0의 가능성은 매우 높다"면서 "
실리콘 밸리는 통상 옳다. 또 이르다"고 말했다.

<저작권자ⓒ이데일리 - 1등 경제정보 멀티미디어 http://www.edaily.co.kr>
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